Why an MBA?

Whatever your reasons for considering studying for an MBA, for instance:

  1. if you are looking for a  for more responsible job that offers a better salary and chance to move upward
  2. if you are interested in balancing your work life with your own personal life
  3. if you want to see yourself eventually doing consulting
  4. if you think your resume would look better with the degree MBA written under academic achievements
If these or any other reasons prompt you to join an MBA program, you should consider these aspects

  1. future employers look favorably on years of work experience.
  2. Studying for and obtaining your MBA straight after undergrad college studies may stilt your ability to receive such job experience.
Regardless of your reasons, if you are contemplating attending graduate school to obtain your MBA, make sure you are aware that:
The MBA is a Master of Business Administration degree.  Usually it takes one to two years of graduate-level university study whose main topics are in the theory and practice of business management. The degree is the document that certifies your qualifications and competency to function in any management role for any modern corporation.

An MBA degree usually aids in obtaining and is a career accelerator across a number of industries and MBA graduates fit into administrative positions that are commiserate in salary.