MBA Careers

What is your MBA career strategy?

The objective of the MBA program is to give you all the skills and frameworks that you need to advance in your career to be an effective senior manager or executive.

Many MBA students and graduates seek the MBA to accelerate career progression and, because of the prestige and reputation of the MBA, are successful in achieving this. However, the MBA alone will not do this. You need to market yourself and your MBA to reap the benefits of all your hard work.

The job process does not change - only the job market that you are now in. As with any job search, you need to find the right job for you and then market yourself to make that job yours. The big difference is that your MBA has almost certainly increased your marketability ten-fold.Whether you see your future career within your existing organization or in a totally different company or industry, you should update your resume regularly as you progress through your MBA and once you graduate. You never know when you may need it. For information on how you should detail your MBA achievements in your resume, please click here to go to the MBA Careers: Resumes page.

If your career strategy involves a new job then you need to consider where you are going to find that job, and how you can be sure that it will suit your own career needs. For information on the different job search strategies that you should be pursuing, please click here to go to the MBA Careers: Jobs page.

One of the most important pieces of MBA career information that you need to consider is the salary that you can expect for your chosen job, and salary progression opportunities that are available to you with your MBA qualification. For details on how to find average MBA salary information, please click here to go to the Average MBA Salary page.
Remember that one of the greatest benefits of your MBA experience is the network that you build during your studies, no matter what method of study you undertake. This network of contacts can prove invaluable in helping you achieve your career ambitions.